How to get here

How to find Cossa Nostra at Reta

We recommend that you use the following link:, in which you will be able to indicate the starting point and it will inform you about the fastest way to take and necessary information to get on the road (kilometers, gas stations, fuel consumption, travelling hours, etc.).

Distance from Province Capitals

Province Kilometers Province Kilometers
Catamarca 1889 Resistencia 1585
Córdoba 1294 Río Gallegos 1320
Corrientes 1592 Salta 2180
Formosa 1758 San Juan 1640
Jujuy 2280 San Luis 1020
La Plata 516 Santa Fe 1060
La Rioja 1730 Santa Rosa 573
Mendoza 1400 Santiago del Estero 1731
Neuquén 780 Tucumán 1900
Paraná 1640 Ushuaia 3130
Rawson 1002 Viedma 483